Beautiful Bengals
Welcome to Beautiful Bengals
We specialize in Gorgeous Brown Rosetted Bengal Kittens and Snow Rosetted Bengal Kittens for sale in Colorado and Utah from our Top-Quality Pedigreed Bengal Cats. We are a selective, small bengal cat breeder by design. Our Bengal Kittens are bred to offer you THE BEST BENGAL CAT Characteristics that are genetically healthy with loving personalities.
We Produce the "Gold Standard" in Bengal Kittens. Beautiful Bengals adhere's to high breeding standards using superior Bengal cats as our foundation.
We specifically breed Bengal kittens to retain their, wild, exotic appearance with dynamic high contrast, discernible rosettes. We are focused on producing exceptional quality and type in every Bengal kitten we produce.
We consider our Bengal kittens and Cats " Living Art" , each one being an exceptional, unique master piece.
At Beautiful Bengals we breed for Excellent Health first and foremost. Our mission is to produce Bengal kittens that are genetically healthy with distinctive, dynamic, cutting edge pelts. Our Bengal Breeders are HCM, Bengal PRA, PK and FELV Negative. We take a lot of pride in producing Healthy Bengal kittens and we guarantee it.
Bengal Kittens receive an in depth veterinarian evaluation. All Bengal kitten care is administered by a licensed veterinarian.
Bengal kittens are raised with Tender Loving Care from birth. The Kittens are played with and loved daily, this forms a powerful and trusted bond to humans. Your Bengal kitten is bred from Bengal Cats that are genetically selected for friendliness. We produce Bengal kittens with loving, sweet personalities,resulting in an interactive kitten that desires human interaction. Beautiful Bengal Kittens are amazing, devoted companions that will be an integral part of your family.
We are extremely grateful to have the opportunity to enrich the lives of our Bengal clients with their new Bengal cats or kittens. We are deeply touched knowing that we succeed in creating happiness in so many people’s lives. Here are some testimonials from families who have bought one or two Bengal Kittens from Beautiful Bengals.
Bengal Cat Chat

Is your Bengal Cat a Natural Born Predator.
Leap into the Fascinating World of Your Bengal Cat Hunter.
Appealing to the Heart of a Hunter

Bengal Kitten Pelt Development
Just like humans
bengal kittens develop in their own time.
Discover the Amazing Journey of Your Bengal Kittens Development
Bengal kitten Fuzzy Stage
In the wild, the Asian Leopard's kittens are Fuzzy
Unearth the inherited trait of Your Bengal Kittens Development

Is your Bengal Cat a
Unlock the Fascinating World of Your Bengal Cats impressive characteristics.
Bengal Cats 101
Professional Affiliations
Beautiful Bengals is a well established, TRUSTED BENGAL CAT BREEDER
We are proud to be licensed and Associated with the following Professional Organizations:
PACFA-Colorado Department of Agriculture Licensed Breeder
TICA- The International Cat Association
CFA-The Cat Fanciers Association
Bengal Cat Club- Certified Breeder
Bengal Cat Directory-Certified Breeder
Cat Kingpin Certified Breeder